萃sui-諏訪湖では、「【期間限定(12月〜2月)】文化財で食す “復刻”皇族迎賓ディナーコース&諏訪大社四社を巡る参拝バスツアー」のご予約の受付を開始しました。
▼「【期間限定(12月〜2月)】文化財で食す “復刻”皇族迎賓ディナーコース&諏訪大社四社を巡る参拝バスツアー」のご予約はこちらから
▼「【期間限定】諏訪大社四社を巡る参拝バスツアー お食事&ご滞在は寛ぎの宿、萃sui-諏訪湖コース」のご予約はこちらから
萃sui-諏訪湖 酒井
〜 Announcement: Commencement of Sales & Opening of Special Site for “Limited-time” Imperial Hospitality Dinner Course & Shrine Bus Tour around Suwa Taisha’s Four Shrines 〜

Starting today at Sui-Suwako, we are accepting reservations for the “Limited-time (December to February) Imperial Hospitality Dinner Course & Shrine Bus Tour,” where you can enjoy a culinary experience at cultural heritage sites.
In addition to the regular daily tour of Suwa Taisha’s four shrines, we are offering a special limited-time course that includes visits to local sake breweries and miso storehouses, showcasing Suwa City’s unique traditional food culture. Furthermore, we provide a multilingual app with animated guides in languages such as English, French, and Chinese, ensuring that even foreign visitors can comfortably enjoy and learn about Suwa’s historical culture.At Sui-Suwako, two courses are available for this bus tour, and the premium dinner course, recreating former Imperial recipes, will be served at the designated cultural property “Kyuryotei Shinano” with a limit of one group per day.
Experience the distinctive flavors, atmosphere, and hospitality unique to Japan. As this tour has a limited capacity, we recommend making reservations early.
▼Reservations for “Limited-time Imperial Hospitality Dinner Course & Shrine Bus Tour” are available here